Friday 15 May 2015

Exploring a career in the creative sector.

1.1, Outline the key sources of information.

Music Producer

  • Youtube
These tutorials are key sources of information for todays music production methods, they're free and offer vital information on the basics of a DAW ( digital audio workstation ) which the person can then use to start their musical career. 

  • Record label's website
This is Sony Records website, it offers information on what they do as a record label and they even have a 'careers' section. This section shows how to contact Sony Records if you are looking to get signed to their label.

  • Personal experience
This website shown here is Audiotool. This is where i started my musical adventure. I taught myself the basics of music production. Doing this I eventually gained followers and I kept to the trend of music popularity.  I managed to get some experience in many genres such as Hip-hop, House, Electro, Dup-step, Trap. 

  • Tutor
A music tutor is a vital source of both information and skills in terms of music theory and production. Having a tutor will help you learn how to play an instrument and how to understand music theory.

  • College
This is Leeds College Of Music's website. On it, you will find key information on how to apply there and it offers an insight into what you can do an learn there.  Doing a course at music college will look great on your CV if you're wanting to have a career in the creative sector, showing you're dedicated to the industry. 

  • Internet
The internet is an amazing source of information. Here is an example, I 'googled' Music Production, instantly 250,000,000 results came up. This is extremely useful as you will be able to access this information almost instantly.

1.2 Outline a range of job roles in the sector
  • Music producer

  • In order to get a job in music production, its advantageous to have a Bachelor's Degree in Music Production. However, the biggest asset is pure talent and dedication. You should have a sense of what's popular in the charts so you can evolve your production around that.
  • Sync artist ( Making music for movies, video games e.t.c )
This is a very difficult area to get into, and you have to get in via word of mouth, or send your portfolio to a sync company that is just starting up. This includes adding sound effects to the movie to add atmosphere and drama to a scene, hoping to grab the viewer's attention; key in a trailer as you'd want them to watch the movie and tell their friends about it.

  • Singer. To be singer it would mean that you write lyrics and sing them to a song. You would travel a lot and work with a variation of different producers. One example of a singer/ rapper would be MF DOOM, he is a rapper and only raps, but he works with lots of producers to make his tracks. 
1.3 outline two ares of training or work of your own interest

  • Take a course at Leeds College Of Music - BTEC level 3 music technology. Being at college allows you to meet people learning the same course as you. Also you can learn the most current ways of music production. You can also share ideas with college friends and form very important and lasting relationships.
Private Tuition course,
These are useful as they are one of the best ways in which a person can gain information and skills.

2.1 Outline own options for developing skills and acquiring knowledge, towards achieving career aims.
  • Online
 There is lots of information on available online, and courses based around music production. One place where you can find useful, relevant and qualified information would be Youtube
  • College, further education.
  • Working with friends, colleges, groups 
  • Working in a band
  • Volunteering 
2.2 Identify actions to take to archeive goals
  • Creating a CV
  • Look for apprenticeships in your field of work
  • Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find out about things and you have more of a chance of being referred by someone that has good influence.
  • College course
  • Work experience is still seen as more relevant and more valuable that qualifications as you have hands-on experience.
  • Volunteering is good because you can learn key skills; also showing that you're dedicated to get that job and it will look very appealing on your CV.
3.1 Identify the elements of a CV
  • Showing your qualifications and achievements. By doing this, you will show your self to be a good learner and that you've excelled
  • Work experience is still seen as more relevant and more valuable that qualifications as you have hands-on experience.
  • Self promotion - write a profile/personal statement, you need to "sell yourself", basically show all your good traits; hoping to impress your employer.
  • Show your strengths, by doing this you will show that you work well and efficiently under stress 
  • Show how transferable your skills are
  • Show your positive attitude, by doing this you will show that you are a person that works well with others and works well, even in stressful situations.
  • display aptitude, this shows how capable you are, and that you are knowledgeable in terms of music. 

3.2 Outline the ways a CV, Portfolio or repertoire could be used.
Your CV should be presented to your employer to show your strengths in the field of music, showing you have a gift and that you should be employed by them. A good CV will include things such as any work experience, personal experience and evidence of work. It is advised that you adapt your CV to your job that you're applying for, for instance, show your skills for that job. 

When you show your quals in your CV it shows your employer that you're dedicated to learn and determined to work. Also if you've done work experience, you will know how to work efficiently and professionally. 

You should say that you're very punctual. This tells your employer that you're reliable and that you can be trusted to be on time, polite and friendly.

Showing things about your self allows your employer to see your character and you will stand out from the other CV's if you show that you're bubbly and adventurous and positive.

With the advent of the internet it has made things more easier in terms of your CV.
For instance, you can have your CV file saved in the cloud; accessible from any computer with wifi access. 

Make sure that your CV is appealing, clean and easy to the eye. Use modern fonts, subtle colours to separate sections and don't write walls and walls of text.