Friday 23 January 2015

Music For Performance , My Sound Clip.

What i did for this project is, i muted the original sound clip and i added my own sounds to make the atmosphere sound as fitting as possible. I did this by researching through some tracks i had downloaded previously. In the scene where the rocket was preparing for launch, i added a fast pace drum and bass track. Where the rocket boosters separate i add an explosion sound and cut the track abruptly  to ambient sounds which take you right into the action. Where the film has parts in space i make the background music calm to enhance the majesty of space and also to show how vast space can be. Also there was a scene where one of the scientist was looking at a picture of his child so i add sounds of children laughing to show that he misses his child and is remembering the happy times he had shared.

Later on when they reached "Europa" i placed a sound clip of the movie where astronauts are speaking over the radio. Then when they land i add subtle sound such as a little knock sound when the space drill hits the icy surface. Later on there is a scene where an astronaut lands on the surface and the video suggests a scary / eire scene so i add a heart beat that gets slightly louder, then i add roaring sounds to make the scene scarier. Finally where the video comes to an end i added a bleeping sound as an astronaut is thrown from the ship suggesting he is in severe trouble, then i add a vinyl stop sound where the clip ended.

I feel as if i captured the atmosphere well because i made sure the sounds were powerfull and well suited to the video. Also the sound placement  helped create a excited yet dark atmosphere which i was aiming for.

Friday 9 January 2015

Music For Performance / Plan & Review Own Learning.

Alien 3: The atmosphere of the sound track was very tense and scary, also i thought the sound design was well constructed as it gave me the feeling of constant danger and it look fast paced. It gave off a very dark and violent atmosphere. The sound effects used for e.g. the door closing gave it have a very violent and punchy vibe. Overall i thought the trailer was a very well constructed piece and made me feel like i wanted to see the movie. The sound effects made it very realistic and i could feel my heart beat increasing as the video progressed.

baby group dancing : Over all i think the choice of music is very fitting because it was very retro because roller blades were "in" in the 80's so it is very thought provoking and. And it's up beat and "funky" which makes the listener feel happy. The track in the video has a very fun and up lifting feel. Also there is also slight reminders of the product as there are little water droplet sounds in the back ground as the track plays.

Apocalypse now helicopter scene : The orchestral sound track fits very well because it gives you a sense of excitement. And the female vocals make it have a dramatic feeling. After watching the trailer it made me want to see the film. Dramatic and powerful , those are the ways I'd describe the impact this film gives. The soundtrack makes you feel excited, pumped and it raises your adrenaline levels.

Charlie Chaplin the cage : The music matched to his movements in a funny way but also very nerve wrecking. viewing this4 makes my heartbeat raise dramatically whilst he was almost attacked by the lion. However the music contradicted the scene and made me feel joyful.  It also has a very funny / scary atmosphere that is perfectly executed.

Overall after watching these clips i can see how much music can change the mood / atmosphere of a video. Small things such as the sound of doors slamming or the sound of electrical wires exploding really change the feeling if the video and can decide the whole viewing experience. sound effects can be used to elevate the intensity and atmospheric aura of scary and fast paced scenes by doing things such as adding a rising orchestral violin , elevating the bpm. It can also be used to make the scene have a very happy and joyful vibe.