Friday 23 January 2015

Music For Performance , My Sound Clip.

What i did for this project is, i muted the original sound clip and i added my own sounds to make the atmosphere sound as fitting as possible. I did this by researching through some tracks i had downloaded previously. In the scene where the rocket was preparing for launch, i added a fast pace drum and bass track. Where the rocket boosters separate i add an explosion sound and cut the track abruptly  to ambient sounds which take you right into the action. Where the film has parts in space i make the background music calm to enhance the majesty of space and also to show how vast space can be. Also there was a scene where one of the scientist was looking at a picture of his child so i add sounds of children laughing to show that he misses his child and is remembering the happy times he had shared.

Later on when they reached "Europa" i placed a sound clip of the movie where astronauts are speaking over the radio. Then when they land i add subtle sound such as a little knock sound when the space drill hits the icy surface. Later on there is a scene where an astronaut lands on the surface and the video suggests a scary / eire scene so i add a heart beat that gets slightly louder, then i add roaring sounds to make the scene scarier. Finally where the video comes to an end i added a bleeping sound as an astronaut is thrown from the ship suggesting he is in severe trouble, then i add a vinyl stop sound where the clip ended.

I feel as if i captured the atmosphere well because i made sure the sounds were powerfull and well suited to the video. Also the sound placement  helped create a excited yet dark atmosphere which i was aiming for.

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