Friday 5 December 2014

My Performance.

3.1. Outline the nature and context of a given performance, referring to a given brief.

In my performance I chose to use electro house, I looked at other genres before such as Dub step or hip-hop but I already have already got a track that I made called polygon and it’s a good bed to use as I know it by heart. For the past few weeks I have researched and looked at samples. I looked on you tube for songs and sampled parts out of the ones I liked. I made samples and one shots. With the samples and edited them and added effects using Ableton. I used effects such as the compressor to make the sample louder, delay to give it a more open sound etc. I learned a lot on how to use the ableton push pad, and I’ve developed a lot of confidence with using the device and it was used as the main ‘tool’ for my improv performance as I used it to trigger samples, oneshots and add effects to polygon, my electro house track.

I had the samples saved for future use and made sure they would work in the performance.  In the actual performance I used the Ableton push pad to trigger samples and to change the sound of the track. I used samples for a rise to add excitement before the drop, i played synths notes manually using the push pad over the first drop. I then used a repeat effect on the push pad to make the drop unique, I then sweeped the frequency of the whole track , without samples to fade it out to finish the track. 

Over all what i did for my performance i did an electro house/dance set. I have learned how to a compressor, delays,reverbs, the push pad. I also learned how to to bring in the track by changing the frequencies using the push pad.I also learned how to research, make and modify samples which i then triggered using the push pad.By using the push pad and having lots of practise i now feel very confident on using it. Since i have started my confidence had risen significantly both in my music production and my performance skills. 

4.1. Make creative suggestions about own contributions and the work of the group.

In my performance i feel like i should have made my sample trigger on time, I also feel as if i needed more practice. Not on the Push Controller but the fact that i needed to be more smoother with my timing. I liked how i changed up the track and it went well and gave the track more of an up beat feel, I tried to use as much things as i could with the controller and i think the performance as a whole went well. To make my improv performance fit in a bigger production i feel it should have more samples and be shorter so the crowd does not get board.

Friday 14 November 2014

Showing my understanding of the task given to me by: researching my improving my improvising skills.

so far i understand my set task and i am going to show that Ive understood how to improvise. In the first week i looked at how to improvise over a track and i learnt the basics for live improvising. In the second week i downloaded tracks from you tube and created my own samples using ableton live by cutting out specific parts of a track to make one shots for later use. In the third week I looked at tracks for specific samples and looked in detail at the samples i need to go towards my performance, however i felt very un-inspired and found it difficult to find the samples i need.

In my live performance i am to make the genre electro house, I chose this because my track that i produced is electro house and i feel confident in that genre and also the track it's self as i know it off by heart. This means ill be able to do a performance in which i feel confident which will hopefully contrast to the audience.
I'm going to put my improvising skills to the best of my ability. As the track progresses ill add effects and samples in key places to liven things up. Not only will i add samples i will change the whole track by adding cool down sections be altering the mids, highs and lows and adding effects such as gate, stutter and speed.
I am going to Production room to look at audio equipment and see whats available to use .

Looking for specific sounds to sample out of tracks. 7/11/14

today i was browsing on youtube to listen to tracks and find sounds that i liked. I looked at lots of different genres such as ; chill step, house, electro. I looked at my own tracks to see if i could sample anything however none of my tracks are meant for live improv. I am still looking for sounds to sample however i am feeling un-inspired and im finding it hard to find sounds that go with the flow.So i shall continue.

Friday 24 October 2014

making one-shots and editing synths. 24/10/14

Today i spent more time downloading tracks form the Internet and imported them into Ableton and cropped the part out i wanted using the 'simpler'. After that i then put all the samples into a folder for future use. I feel very confident now on getting the right sounds and how to make them into my own custom one-shots. Later on i used the push pad to finely tune synths for example, increasing or decreasing attack, delay, reverb and frequencies. I then saved those sounds as presets for future use.

Friday 10 October 2014

Writing the type of track.

today i am going to be working on my house / dance track. I need to make sure it dosen't sound the same throughout the track, i will do this by looking for samples that will be added in as the track plays it's course. i won't just be looking for samples i will look at different types of genres to get inspiration of how to layout the track. I also used the push pad today and got to grips with the device and added a synth solo and melody on top of my existing track called 'polygon'. I then used a voice sample from the web and chopped the part out i wanted and triggered it using the sampler in ableton into the track as it progressed. i didn't just add samples i used FX, such as reverb and delay, to make them sound much more pleasing. I enjoyed working with the push because its very satisfying when i make a synth chord or sample compliment my track so well!
After everything i've looked at i've decided to use my own track because i made it and i know the 'feel' of the track, which makes it perfect as i can make my performance sound high quality as ill feel confident working with it.

how far do i think i've come ?; 

Having used the push pad for a 3 week period i feel that im very confident in using it with both a solo and a live performance. This means that i've developed my skills in improvisation which is key for my gig. Ive also developed my skills in sample usage and know when or when not to key them into a track.
I found out that with the pad you can add lots of fx and ive used them in practice sessions to make the synth lead or sample sound 'alive'.

sample cutting / making oneshots;

Today i am going to be selecting samples and cropping them to cut out parts of the sound that i like to make oneshots to then add into my performance

My Plan 3/10/14

My Plan:

track selection:

i'd like to use mostly Dub-Step and mix in some custom beats to compliment the flow of the bass,
throughout the track i'll add in solo parts e.g custom beats, re-sampled parts of a drop and a solo.
In the actual performance i will use about 4 tracks in total but cut the parts out i want and add them together to make my performance a maximum of 6 minutes.

Venue details:

I would like to do my performance in front of a few friends in a small venue, 
preferably 20 people max. But i want to make sure its safe. The venue must have fire exits within close proximity, no smoking, no drinks on the stage and make sure there's room for the audience so they don't get cramped. I would like to have some lights hooked up to the equipment so that as the beat progresses the lights flash, ( as a kick is processed a light pulses). I'll need a good PA and it will be a standing audience. I would need a stage so all the crowd can see my performance and experience the vibe. Time, 8:30 friday december 5th, closing at 9:00 for my solo performance and an hour set with kieran.


i will use the Ableton push pad to make beats as the track progresses and add in samples in an improvised manor. I will be connecting the push to a laptop and have albeton live 9 running. I'll need a big PA set.

Friday 3 October 2014

Push Pad- 3/10/14.

today i have worked on the push pad to better my skills and to get to know the device. ive made a beat along with chords and a bass line. I ve looked at how to apply fx to the samples and make them sound different. ive also looked different instruments and adding them to the track. I also looked at artists such as James Blake, Amoeba and a fiew onthers to get an idea of what to look for as the track progresses.

Friday 26 September 2014

music improvisation and performance skills.

Friday 19th September

I am going to start looking at using Ableton to create beats and improvise in a live performance.

One of the tracks I looked at was 

Flux Pavilion - Lines In Wax (feat. Foreign Beggars), 

i really like the bass drop in this track but i don't like the vocals. i got the track from youtube, here's the link, 

Another track i saw was funt case 50 caliber, when the drop kicks in i think it sounds really, really good ! so im thinking about either using the part at 0:11 to 0:22 as the drop build up ,  also maybe use some of the YOY bass sounds and sample them in.

Cookie Monsta & Flux Pavilion - Come Find Me

in this picture i was using the ableton push to make beats as i go along, i really enjoyed using this device as i learnt so much in terms of making sure the beat is in bar and in tempo.     

in this picture i was using ableton again and was using the quantize feature because i recorded in a kick pattern , but it wasn't quantized so i used the CMD + U feature. 

Here i was listening to the timing of the beat, and added more sounds in as the  beat was progressing.I was improvising and experimented with different sounds and beats form ableton's sample bank, chose the ones that sounded good and then placed them into the beat